Summary Stats

Miles Travelled 274
Gas Mileage 21.7
Children thrown off Hoover Dam Almost 1
Hours of sleep 7.5

Day 9

At the crack of 11 o'clock, we pulled ourselves out of our soft hotel beds. We arrived at the Hoover Dam at about 12:30 PM and took a tour of the structure. We didn't get to take the "hard hat" tour through the inside of the dam itself, but the parts we did see were impressive. It was hot at the dam: 114 degrees in the shade.

Today we learned what "desolate" means. We were hungry after leaving the dam, but there aren't what you'd call "cities" or "restaurants" in northwest Arizona. We didn't get our first meal of the day until we got to Kingman at around 5:00 PM. The Cracker Barrel we ate at really hit the spot.

After that, we pressed on to the Grand Canyon KOA in Williams, Arizona. This is, by far, the best campground we've been to yet. We ate supper at the campground's Famous Cowboy BBQ, and were entertained by two local musicians wielding a banjo, guitar, mandolin, and fiddle.

Then there were the marshmallows. Apparently, it got hot inside the car under the Arizona sun. Hot enough, at least, to melt our bag of marshmallows into one large, goopy marshmallow. It wasn't particularly suited to roasting, so instead we just poked our fingers in it for a while.

Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10

Content copyright 2002, Two Lonely Geeks