Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My hand thinger

I did this to my hand on Sunday afternoon while trying to compact the garbage in a garbage bag. I forgot about the glass jars in there from my refrigerator cleaning extravaganza a few days earlier. I guess a couple of jars banged into each other and broke and my hand had the unfortunate pleasure of running into one of the broken pieces. When it happened, there wasn't a sharp pain or blood or anything that would indicate that this was anything other than a slight scratch. When I looked and noticed how deep it was and saw this white thing that on first glance I thought was bone, I knew it was bad. Josh confirmed it and off to the emergency room we went. Ninety minutes and three stitches later, we were back home. Turns out that white thing I saw was my tendon. I was very fortunate that I didn't sever it. That would have required surgery to repair.

Funny thing is, it never really bled all that much, and didn't really hurt either. I kept on looking at it and thinking that it should hurt, but it never did. Except for the three days afterward. Then it hurt like a bugger. Not in a throbbing kind of way, but a dull constant headache kind of way.

My stitches come out in five days. I think I might let Josh take them out rather than go to the doctor's office. Too bad I can't have him take them out now because I am so over not using my right hand!


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