Summary Stats

Miles Travelled 470
Gas Mileage 24.2 mpg
Coolest Road Sign Slow, 70 mph
Hours of sleep 7.5

Day 3

Today we awoke to a very foggy and drizzling morning in Keystone, SD. Mt. Rushmore was guaranteed to be completely covered, so we decided to press on to Yellowstone. Perhaps we will be able to swing by Mt. Rushmore on the way home in a couple weeks. Shortly after we entered Wyoming we realized that we are really in the "West". It occurred to us that at any point on the highway we were looking at more land than comprises the entire Keweenaw Peninsula. If we ever need to, we figure we can pack the whole country's population into this state with a density of 6 people per acre. We're all for it if we can pick our spots first.

Speaking of spots in Wyoming, we took the scenic route to Yellowstone, stopping in Buffalo, WY for lunch. Fractional purportedly ate the best hamburger of his life at the Mainstreet Diner. From that point on we were continually in awe of the canyons and mountains of western Wyoming.

At about 6:45 we pulled into Yellowstone National Park. After a short drive in we came upon a gathering of vehicles on the side of the road. We dismounted the vehicle to investigate. A bear was to blame for the disruption in traffic flow, and we managed to take a few pictures without being mauled. There was a policeman present so we felt safe. He wasn't running.

After checking at a few campgrounds, we found one of the last sites available, thanks to a friendly campground attendant at one of the full campgrounds. We have finally caught up to our itinerary and will be spending the full day and another night here before we set off for Salt Lake City.

Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4

Content copyright 2002, Two Lonely Geeks