Summary Stats

Miles Travelled 0
Gas Mileage N/A
Dollars spent on supper 113
Hours of sleep 10

Day 8

We slept in until 11:00 today. It is nice to sleep on mattresses again. But, eventually our stomachs convinced us to pursue sustenance. We ate and did some more exploring.

To the best of our knowledge, they don't have malls here in downtown Las Vegas. The casinos have every store you might ever want to visit, from Armani to FAO Schwartz to The Disney Store. We got in our fair share of shopping and even bought a couple things.

We experienced an immersive 3D IMAX Ride at Caesar's Palace, followed by an art exhibit at the Bellagio. This exhibit featured pieces by the late Alexander Calder, a modern sculptor of the early twentieth century. The Bellagio also has a collection of impressionist paintings from such favorites as Monet, Manet, and Renoir.

Four times a day, the Treasure Island Casino puts on a dramatic presentation in which two ships duel in a full-size sea battle. Things exploded. It was cool. Fireballs are hot.

After that, we set out in search of the ultimate steakhouse. While a couple had dress codes (we forgot our suits), and one or two were closed, we finally arrived at Gallagher's, in the New York New York casino. Fractional had a King's cut prime rib that was a very healthy two inches thick, perfectly prepared, and very tasty. Eleven had a 24 oz. rib eye, with fried onions and mushrooms. The food was wonderful, the service was fantastic, and both of us enjoyed the best restaurant experience of our lives.

We have since retired to our room and will be leaving for the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon tomorrow.

Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9

Content copyright 2002, Two Lonely Geeks