Summary Stats
Miles Travelled
Average Velocity
0 m/s
Hours of sleep
Day 12
Today we were able to sleep on actual furniture. Lodging here at Eleven's grandparents' house is very reasonable, with excellent facilities and a wonderful rate (zero dollars per night, our thanks to the Stones). Again, we were treated to a marvelous breakfast of Huevos Rancheros, a traditional New Mexican delicacy involving eggs and (as always) green chiles.
The two of us took off to explore the city for most of the day, but the first thing we did was find a carwash. Our assessment is that Utah (where we got the car dirty) has some incredible dirt. Even a pressure washer was unable remove the most stubborn spots.
We don't have very many museums in Upper Michigan, so we decided to check out some of Albuquerque's. The museums were also in the same neighborhood as "Old
Town," the original city of Albuquerque which dates to the middle 1600s. Most of it consists of tourist shops, but there are some fantastic examples of old southwest architecture, and we ate at a restaurant which has been around since 1709 called La Placita.
Since Eleven has lived a total of six years of his life in Albuquerque, we visited some of the old "stomping
grounds." The memories flooded in Eleven's mind at every turn, and Fractional got to do some real city driving.
Tomorrow we hope to get an early start and drive up to Denver, CO.
Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13